Wednesday 13 August 2008

Do I have to be a member of a gym to get fit?

The short answer is no! All you need is a suitable space to workout such as your local park, garden or even a room inside as long as it isn't too cluttered.

Apart from purchasing some suitable exercise clothing and a decent pair of trainers, you don't even really need to buy any expensive equipment. A small investment in some resistance bands, dumbbells and a stability ball will open up a huge array of exercises to tone your whole body.

Power walking or jogging at least 3 times per week will improve your cardio fitness and stamina. After a warm up, try jogging for 60 seconds followed by walking for 90 seconds and repeat this 8 times. Add another 60 jog each week until you reach ten 60 second jogging intervals. Once you have reached this level, reduce the number of intervals to 6, but increase the jogging time to 90 seconds followed by 90 seconds rest. Each week add another set to reach up to 10 again.

After your cardio workout, add some body weight exercises to tone and strengthen the body. If you are a beginner or haven't exercised for a while, start with 1 or 2 sets of 10 repetitions for the following exercises. When you can do 2 sets increase the repetitions to 15 and add another set. That's 3 sets of 15 reps for each exercise.

Walking lunges (legs and glutes)

Press ups (for chest and triceps) - From easy to hard try starting in a standing position against a wall, in a box position on the floor or 3/4 position or full press ups

Seated rows (for upper back) - use a lamp post and use a resistance band

Triceps dips using a bench

Shoulder press with dumbbells

Dumbbell curls for biceps

4-point draw in (on all fours, pull belly button in towards spine) for core conditioning

This workout covers cardio, chest, legs, glutes, back, shoulders, arms and core.


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